Usb Loader Gx Sd Card

This page explains how to rip GameCube and Wii games and/or saves to be used on Dolphin. Ripping games and saves using a Wii or Wii U console will require you to have homebrew software installed. See Homebrew Channel for instructions on how to use it, and see Homebrew setup for installation instructions. The term 'vWii' means a Wii U console running in Wii mode.

  • 2Ripping Discs Using CleanRip
  • 5Retrieving Game Saves

Ripping Discs Using a Computer

Certain old models of PC DVD drives are able to rip game discs with Rawdump or Friidump.

To install USB Loader GX on your SD or USB, you can use the USB Loader GX Installer v1.8. This is a multi-language Windows application which will download and copy the latest USB Loader GX release on your SD Card or USB device. The installer has the following additional options. Also, insert your USB to port 0, the closest USB port to the edge of the Wii. Plug your SD card into your wii, open up USB Loader GX. Go to Brawl Settings. Click on game load.

It's generally easier and faster to rip game discs via a Wii console, if you have one:

Sorted all episode number wise, some episode are missing and there are Episode 01, 14, 15, 44, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 87, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 10. Svbc ttd bhagavatam. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam publishes books pertaining to Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ithihasas, Agamas, Divya Prabandhas satakas, satakas, etc. In different languages i.e English, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi to propagate Hindu Religion and Hindu Sanatana Dharma.

Usb Loader Gx With Sd Card

Ripping Discs Using CleanRip

Yeh dil 2003. CleanRip can rip a game disc to an SD card or an external USB storage device. It requires your Wii or vWii system to have the Homebrew Channel.

Usb Loader Gx Sd Card

GameCube Discs

No GameCube titles take up more than 1.36 GiB (Gibibyte, or 10243 bytes). It's generally a good idea to set Chunk Size to max, so that your ISO isn't split into parts. GameCube discs can store a maximum of 1.36 GiB, so the entire ISO can fit on a FAT32 drive. Simply follow the instructions on-screen and you'll be able to put the game straight from the SD card or USB drive into Dolphin.


Usb Loader Gx Sd Card Gamecube

Wii Discs

In order to rip a Wii disc, a storage device with more than 4.7 GiB of free space is recommended for single layer, 8.54 GiB for dual layer. However, by dividing the disc into chunks, an SD card with even a single gibibyte of free space is sufficient.

At the CleanRip Setup screen, set Chunk Size to 'Max', and New device per chunk to 'No' is recommended with SD cards or external USB storage devices large enough to hold the entirety of the ripped disc file at once. Otherwise, set Chunk Size to max possible ('1GB', '2GB', '3GB', or 'Max') and set New device per chunk to 'Yes' and when CleanRip is asking for the next device, remove it from the Wii and move the first or so ISO file to free up space and use it again. When all pieces have been received, check in the next subsection.

  • CleanRip will split the ripped disc file with more than 4 GiB in file size regardless to fit the FAT, FAT16, or FAT32 file systems. These file systems have a max file size of 4 GiB. To remedy this, it is recommended to rip discs to a USB external NTFS formatted storage device (as Wii cannot read NTFS formatted SD cards). The NTFS file system has a theoretical max file size of 16 EiB (Exabyte), or 16,777,216GiB.
  • Certain Wii discs are dual layer (or DVD9) instead of single layer (or DVD5). CleanRip will need to be configured in order to rip those kinds of discs. At the Wii Disc Ripper Setup screen, set Dual Layer to Yes. The rip will take roughly double the time than usual Wii discs of 4.38 GiB as the dual layer ISOs are 7.93 GiB in size.

Joining Split Files

Disc image in split parts will need to join before dolphin can read it. A simple command from command prompt and terminal can do it! Use the example command for your system. Use the 'cd' command to change directory to the files location. The example command is assumed on CleanRip's 'GAMEID.part#.iso' filename nomenclature.


Linux / macOS

Ripping Discs Using USB Loader GX

A Wii or vWii with the latest version of USB Loader GX and certain cIOS (such as d2x-cios) installed can rip Wii game discs. The Wii system may also be able to rip GameCube game discs as long as DIOS MIOS is installed. Wiis sold after late 2011 and Wii Us lack the GameCube controller and memory card ports, and can make no use of DIOS MIOS. CleanRip is recommended over USB Loader GX for not requiring any cIOS and it does not leave out any data when ripping (USB Loader GX leaves out unused data).

The USB Loader GX will ask the user two options when inserting a game disc: Install or Mount DVD drive; choose 'Install'. It will begin the ripping process to the storage device:

  • For Wii: X:wbfsGAMEID_*GAMEID.wbfs (and GAMEID.wbf1 as continuation file, if source is over 4,194,272 KiB)
    • Dolphin build version 3.5 and later can accept Wii games in WBFS format.
  • For GameCube: X:games* [GAMEID]game.iso (NOTE: file system must be FAT32)
Usb loader gx sd card

Exporting Wii Channels


In order to turn a channel installed on a Wii or vWii into a WAD file that can be played in Dolphin, follow this guide. When asked if you want to fakesign the ticket or TMD, you should press B. (Most fakesigned WAD files do work in Dolphin, but they don't work better than correctly signed WAD files, and Dolphin may show warnings about them.)

Alternatively, if you do not want to use WAD files, you can copy the whole NAND memory of a console into Dolphin by following the NAND Usage Guide. This not only copies all channels that are installed on the console, but afterwards, you can also transfer channels between the console and Dolphin by using an SD card and the Wii Menu's data management screen.

Retrieving Game Saves

GameCube Memory Card

A homebrewed Wii with GameCube memory card ports or GameCube with SD Gecko is required.

Download GameCube/Wii Memory Manager (GCMM for short) and launch it through Homebrew Channel on the Wii. It's a homebrew app that can transfer save files between a real GameCube Memory Card and an SD card. It can extract an individual save as .GCI file or dump the entire contents (RAW or batch dump .GCI files) from a real memory card to the root of SD card. For the purpose of this guide you should extract what you need for Dolphin onto the SD card. Then they should be placed into GC for Dolphin to use while emulating a game. It is also possible for the data that was created with Dolphin to be added back into the real GameCube Memory Card using GCMM and an SD card.

Wii/vWii Internal Storage

This section is for ripping individual saves to be used on Dolphin. To dump an entire Wii's internal storage for use with Dolphin, skip this section and move ahead to NAND Usage Guide.

Usb Loader Gx Without Sd Card

Download SaveGame Manager GX and launch it through Homebrew Channel on the Wii or vWii. It's a homebrew app that can transfer save files between the console's internal storage and an SD card. It can extract an individual save from the Wii's internal storage for Dolphin to use. Like GCMM, it is possible for save files that were created in Dolphin to be added back to the Wii by selecting the game in Dolphin to export the Wii save into a X:privatewii[GAMEID] format, then adding it back into the real console's NAND using SaveGame Manager GX and an SD card.

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Nintendont (sometimes misspelled as Nintendon't) is a GameCube USB loader for Wii and Wii U. Unlike the earlier DIOS MIOS, it loads games in Wii Mode rather than GameCube mode, which allows it to support additional controllers and brings several other enhancements.
Official Project page:
Discussion thread:
Download latest DOL: (right click -> save as boot.dol)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='yes'?>
<short_description>Gamecube Loader</short_description>
<long_description>Commiters: GerbilSoft, JoostinOnline, GreyRogue, Howard, Cyan, nastys
Project website:
Nintendont allows you to run GameCube games on a Wii or Wii U from an SD or HDD device.</long_description>

  • A USB device (or SD card) with the first partition formatted to FAT32.
    • This is the only place where Nintendont will look for games.
    • We have a formatting guide available here.
  • GameCube controller or HID compliant USB controller.
    • GameCube controller will only work on the original Wii with controller ports.
    • You can now also use the WiiU GameCube controller adapter.
  • (Optional) GameCube Memory card
1. Create a new folder in the apps folder on your SD card and call it nintendont (must be this exact name).
2. Download the Nintendont DOL (right click -> save as) and place it in the folder you just created. Make sure it is named boot.dol
If you want, you can also place the icon.png and meta.xml (from above) in this folder as well. If you want to load Nintendont directly from the Homebrew Channel, the meta.xml is required!

Wii ----------------------

3. You can boot Nintendont either directly from the Homebrew Channel or via a USB loader. USB loaders should detect Nintendont as long as it is in the correct folder. You may need to configure the loader to use Nintendont as the GameCube loader.
  • Configurable USB Loader: Use version 70r78 or above. Under Global settings change the 'Default Gamecube' option to Nintendont. Alternatively change the Boot Method to Nintendont under the game's options.
  • USB Loader GX: Under Loader Settings change GameCube Mode to Nintendont. Alternatively change GameCube Mode under a game's 'Game Load' settings.
  • WiiFlow: Under Settings, change Default GC game loader to Nintendont. Alternatively change GameCube loader under the game's settings.
If using a USB loader, make sure it has AHB access enabled in the meta.xml (or use a forwarder with AHB support).

Nintendont uses the same games format as DIOS MIOS, so the procedure is the same.
Method 1: Use your preferred USB loader to rip a game just like with Wii games.
Method 2: You can copy games from your computer directly to the USB device.
Games should be placed on the device like so:

For example, the PAL version of the the Zelda: The Wind Waker would be like so:
USB:/games/Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker [GZLP01]/game.iso
GameID can be found on GameTDB if needed. Alternatively, you can omit the game code part, although some loaders require it.
The name should not actually matter. Note that the ISO must be named exactly game.iso and nothing else! If your game is a .gcm file, you can just rename it to .iso as well.
Windows by default hides the .ISO file extension. In this case you may need to name the file simply 'game', otherwise it will be called game.iso.iso
If the game has multiple discs, you can place an additional disc2.iso in the same folder. Nintendont will 'swap' discs automatically for you.

Nintendont supports cheat codes through Geckocodes (Ocarina). In order to use cheats, you need to place the kenobiwii.bin file in the sneek folder of the device where your games are located.
Eg. If your games are on a USB device, the file should be placed like this:

Cheat codes can be used through USB loaders the same way as with Wii games.

If you have previously installed DIOS-MIOS (Lite), you may optionally 'uninstall' it. This however does not affect Nintendont, so you may wish to keep DIOS-MIOS (Lite) installed for the few games it runs better.
On some Wiis, DIOS-MIOS may prevent legit game discs from working with the disc channel. The newest version of DIOS-MIOS should not have this problem, but if it does, uninstalling it will restore the normal functionality.

Computer ----------------------
1. Get NUS Downloader if you don't have it. Use the Database to navigate to the latest MIOS (System -> MIOS -> v10).
Make sure pack WAD is checked on the bottom and then click Start NUS Download.
Navigate to the folder where you extracted NUS Downloader and open the titles folder.
Now open the folder 0000000100000101 -> 10 and copy the RVL-mios-v10.wad to the 'wad' folder on your SD card.
2. If you don't have one yet, download a WAD Manager and put it on your SD card.

Wii ----------------------
3. Launch your WAD Manager. Use it to install the WAD you downloaded above.
If it asks for an IOS to use, you can choose 249, 250, 236 or generally any non-stub IOS.