Dragon Age Circle Of Magi Statues

  • Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 17 – The Fade: Lost In Dreams
  • By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
  • Published 02/2/2012
  • Unrated
Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 17 – The Fade: Lost In Dreams
Weisshaupt Fortress
This is a difficult area of the game, so expect this part to take some time. Head on forward, toward the ramp in front of you. You will encounter Duncan, flanked by two other Wardens. Approach and talk with your friend. He talks of the Grey Wardens becoming an order of Scholars. You will provoke this apparition to attack you eventually. Defeat him and the other two “Wardens”. Do so and the Fade Pedestal will appear behind where Duncan was standing. Interact with it to begin your journey through the Fade to escape and release your companions.
The Raw Fade
This is the first, and for now only, destination you can access. Head there and you will find Niall, one of the Mages who went rogue. To your right is an inactive Fade Pedestal. Go forward and you will talk with Niall who will share his experiences and knowledge with you. Once you have an idea of how to take on the islands and get through the Fade, move on. Head past the Fade Pedestal, along the right-hand side of the wall, and into the Fade Portal.
On the other side you are attacked by a Rage Demon. After the Rage Demon dies you will encounter a Mouse who passes on some knowledge before dying. You can now transform into a mouse within the Fade. This also has the benefit of imbuing you with the Stealth ability while in mouse form. Now transform into a mouse and head down the slope to the left of where you fought the Demon. You will find a mouse hole to go through.
Shapeshifting In The Fade
This is a unique area is it has a stronger Mage focus than most other parts of the game. It is also the only time that every class will be able to Shapeshift. To change forms, bring up the radial menu. Go into Advanced (where you can have your party members hold) and choose the form you want from there.
On the other side of the mouse hole you will see a Lesser Rage Demon. It is unaware of your presence unless you drop it immediately. Kill it then head for the Fade Portal that is in the northwest part of the island. Be sure to also examine the Disturbing Statue, to the right of the portal, for the codex entry, “Beyond the Veil: Spirits and Demons”. Head through the Fade Portal now to the next island.
Head forward, past the transulcent door, to encounter a Lesser Shade. Kill it then continue along the path in front of you. Continue forward and you will encounter another Rage Demon. Kill it then continue along the path. There is another Lesser Rage Demon ahead of you. Kill it to reach the Fade Portal it was guarding.
The next is leading you back to the starting island with Niall. You can now one step closer to facing Yevena, the demon in the center of these island. You also have activated the Fade Pedestal in this area. Use the Fade Pedestal as you need another ability to reach Yevena.
The Darkspawn Invasion
Head for the Darkspawn Invasion next. This area is where you will gain the ability to access Spirit Doors and give you access to some powerful spells. When you arrive head to the northeastern corner of the room and go through the Mouse hole. Head through the next mouse hole as well. On the far side of the second one you will find an Essence of Cunning. This grants you an additional +1 Cunning permanently. Return through the mouse house and go to the north at the intersection, then head through the mouse hole there.
Head to the left to encounter two Flaming Darkspawn. Defeat them then head through the northern door. There you will encounter three more Darkspawn, two Hurlocks and one Hurlock Emissary. Defeat them then explore the western part of the room to find a mouse hole to go through. On the other side of the mouse hole you will find another battling waiting for you to the west. Head over there and defeat the three Genlocks. Now continue to the north through the second mouse hole. Here you will encounter four Darkspawn Spirits. Approach the Templar Spirit that is in the same room to begin the battle. They will all attack him so use that to your advantage if you are a Mage or Rogue. When the battle is over, he will imbue you with the second of the shapeshifting abilities, The Spirit Form. When he vanishes, he reveals a Fade Pedestal. Before you access it, shift into your new form and use the Essence of Willpower that is in the northeastern corner of this room for a permanent +1 to Willpower. Use the Fade Pedestal now to start the next part of this journey.
Weisshaupt Fortress
Before moving to the center island of the Raw Fade, head to Weisshaupt Fortress. There, at the base of the ramp, you will find another Essence. Transform into the Spirit to access this Essence of Willpower. Now go to the Fade Pedestal here and head to the Raw Fade again.
The Raw Fade
Before you shift into the Spirit form and go through the first door, take a little time to explore this island. The other spirit door, found on the northern island. On the other side you will be attacked by a pair of wisp wraiths. Once gone, you can easily reach the Essence of Dexterity that is also on this island. Collect it then finish the circle back to the starting island.
After that, return to the starting island and head through the spirit door there. You will find Yevena and her support of two Shades. Kill them and her. Take advantage of your spirit form's spells to make this battle easier. After it is over, be sure to use the Essence of Willpower that is just off the main path to the west on this island. If you are not playing a Mage, explore this island some more to find the Twisted Statue. Investigate it for the codex entry “The Black City”. Now head back through the Spirit Door to the starting island. Use the Fade Pedestal to leave this island behind.
The Burning Tower
Look for the mouse hole to the left of where you start. This leads to an Essence of Cunning. Now head back into the main room and go through the top right door. Just follow the hallway, exploring the rooms. The first room has a pair of Burning Templars inside it. Next room is empty though there is a mouse hole passage to the first room. The third room has a door leading to the second and fourth (though it is a massive door which requires a different form to open) but also another pair of Burning Templars. Defeat them then head up the stairs in the northern part of the room.
Head forward then to the right. The path to the next part is fairly straight forward as much of the area is blocked off by fire. The first fight of this area is a pair of burning hounds. Head north from there to fight a Burning Templar and two Burning Hounds. Head east where you encounter that fight and through the mouse hole there. This mouse hole is guarded by a pair of Burning Hounds. On the other side you fill a Burning Demon and a Dreaming Templar. Defeat them both to gain the Burning Man form.
Before you return to the Fade and head for your next destination there are at least two Essences you can access in this area. Head through the door leading south and go to the west. Head through the spirit door there to find an Essence of Constitution and Cunning. Now head for the Fade Pedestal and head for your next destination.
The Mages Asunder
Head to the mouse hole to your left. Through there you will find a Font of Strength. Collect it then return to the main room. Head through the door to the south now, into the hallway. Head through the the first door on the left. On the other side you will be attacked by a pair of Mages. Kill them then return to the hallway. The next room has another pair of Mages but also a pile of spirit books. Shift into Spirit form to claim the Essence of Magic they represent. Be sure to also look at the bookcase against the southern wall for the codex entry “History Of The Circle”. Head into the next room, with the open door, to face down four Mages. If approached through stealth you can just watch them tear into each other and you can pick off any survivors.
Head to the end of the corridor and go through the door. On the other side you will be attacked by a pair of servants. Just kill them then explore the room to find the rest of the servants out for your blood. Head through the door on the western side of the room. Transform into the Burning Man and go through it as there is a fire barrier on the other side.
In this room you will need to change quickly to either your base form or the Spirit form as you need to fight a trio of Lesser Rage Demons. Change back into the Burning Man to go through the next door.
In here you need to fight another set of four Mages. Unfortunately these ones are working together! Focus on just one at a time to take them down quickly. Just work your way forward like that and they will be dead before long. Shift into the Burning Man form before you progress.
Head into the next room and you will be facing two Mage Instructors and four Mage Apprentices. Kill them all quickly using the area of effect spells granted to you by the Burning Man form. This will also make you largely immune to the attacks they use against you. After that explore the room to find the codex entries for “The Cardinal Rules Of Magic” in a Book on the floor, and “The Tranquil” on the bookcase to the left of the stairs up. Head on up the stairs after that.
At the top of the stairs you will find two Stone Golems attacking a Cursed Dreamer. There are also a number of Chantry Priest that need to be killed as well. After the battle you will gain the Golem Form. This grants you the ability to pass through the Massive Doors that were previously inaccessible. Now head on up the other set of stairs in here.
On the other side of these you will face down another pair of Golems and a Mage. Kill them then use your Golem form to open the door leading south. On the other side you will face down a Priest and Mage. Kill them then head to the east then north. As you go this way you will encounter another Stone Golem. Just beat him and continue on your way. Head through the door there and you will facing a Priest and two Mages. Defeat them look at the pile of books in the back right part of the room for the codex entry on the “School of Creation”. Now head for the door that is south of where you are. Head into it after you defeat its Golem.
Inside this room you need to face down three Golems. Defeat them to then able to claim the treasures of this room. There is the Codex Entry for “School of Entropy” and a Font of Strength in the back of the room.
Now head to the south. Use the Golem to break through the massive door. Inside you will encounter two Arcane Horrors. Defeat them then change into the Spirit and investigate the door in this room. On the other side of it is a Golem and an Essence of Dexterity. Head back through the door and into the next room to the south.
Here you will find Slavren, the boss of the area. Use the Spirit Form's crushing prison for a quick and easy battle. Mix in a few spells from the Burning Man form and Slavren will go down very quickly. Use the Fade Pedestal and it is time to complete another area.
The Darkspawn Invasion
Return to the Darkspawn Invasion and seek out the Massive Doors. The main one to visit is all the way to the south, nearby the original entrance to the area. Shift into your Burning Man form to easily travel there, killing whatever Darkspawn are left in the area. Once there, change to the Golem form and smash through the Massive Door. On the other side waits a Font of Strength. Now head back to the north.
Go through the door to the north, back where you re-entered this realm. On the other side you have a mass of Darkspawn attacking you. A number of Hurlocks and Genlocks begin their assault immediately. Use the Golem form to take them down quickly. You will find another Massive Door on the opposite end of the room as well. Smash it down.
On the other side awaits Uthkiel The Crusher. Stay in your Golem form to have a level fist fight with him. If you need to heal, then return to your base form and run into the previous room and use some Poultices or spells to restore it quickly. Now use the Fade Pedestal to head for your next destination.
The Burning Tower
Once here, first explore with all the forms so you can access anything behind Massive Doors. So first head down to the first floor and go to the right of the stairs. There is a Massive Door there waiting to be opened. On the other side you will find an Essence of Magic waiting for you. Collect it then return to your entry point. Break down that Massive Door. Open it then change to Burning Man form as there is a wall of flames on the other side. Head through to the next room. There you will a number of Burning Templars, Burning Hounds and Shambling Corpses. Stay in Burning Man form to minimize the damage you take. Do not use any of the spells in this form though as your foes are largely immune to them. Head through to the next room.
In this room you will find Rhagos. If you are still in Burning Man form, just attack him and wait for the Warden to finish him off. Rage Demons only use fire attacks and Burning Man is immune to them. Just wait it out and it will go down easily. Defeat him and it is time to move onto the next part of the Fade (after you collect the Font of Strength to the right).
The Templar's Nightmare
This is easily the most confusing part of “Lost in Dreams”. Head south, into the hallway and into the second room on the left. You will find three Sloth Abominations waiting for you in this room. Beat them then head through the mouse hole there to reach an Essence of Dexterity guarded by a Blight Wolf. Return to the hallway after you claim the essence and head south to the third room in this hallway. Beat the Arcane Horror that awaits you in there and take the southern mouse hole, to the left of the door, to progress forward.
On the other side of the mouse hole you have an Orge waiting for you. You can try to sneak out using the Mouse form or become the Golem and beat it down. It may get a reinforcement in the form of a Hunger Abomination from the nearby hallway. Just kill them both then head into the hallway. Quickly stop into the next room above you to kill the Abomination that is in there. You need to use Burning Man to reach him. Now change into the mouse and go through the mouse hole in this room. It will take you into the next room. There you will face a pair of Rage Abominations. Defeat them then go through the Spirit door in this room.
When you emerge from the Spirit Door you will be attacked by two Rage Abominations. Head for the door in front of you. In the next room you have two Hunger Abominations come at you. As for getting into the next room, you have a choice. You can creep into it using the Mouse form or smash through the massive door as a Golem.
Here you only need to face down an Arcane Horror and a Shambling Corpse. Now just head through the Fade Portal. This section is almost done.
In this hallway you just need to reach the room at the far end. In the room you arrive in, you will find a great need to becoming the Burning Man. Through the first door you will find two Desire Abominations. In the third room you will encounter an Arcane Horror and two Shambling Corpses. In the last room you will find Vereveel. Chase after her in Mouse form.
On the other side of the hole, she will likely not spot you. Just lay into her as a Spirit since she loves to cast spells. Just use Crushing Prison mixed with Winter's Grasp and she will go down fast enough.
The Nightmares
Once you have cleared the way to the Sloth Demon, it is time to collect your party to make the coming battle easier. Everyone in the party will have a different situation. Some cases it is very easy to retrieve them while others may involve some fighting.
He believes himself to be home with his sister and her family. Here you have the option of persuading Alistair that this is an illusion or just attacking the family to reveal their true form. If you can convince Alistair, he will help in the fight. The children become skeletons and if Alistair joined you, two more will spawn behind you.
In true dog fashion is simply asleep. Wake him up to move on.
She believes herself to be in a Chantry, praying, looking for peace. She will not recognize your character so you need to remind her of her dream. If you remind her of the dream, she will aid in the fight. Otherwise the Warden will need to face down the Greater Shade Demon alone.
She will be talking with her mother, Flemeth. She does not believe what the Demon said for a moment, stating that it was doing a terrible job of impersonating her. She just asks you to kill it.
Will dream he is in a tarvern being constantly mocked by other dwarves. Shake him out of it and convince him to pummel the other patrons. The patrons are revealed to be a number of corpses. Then just convince him that he is in the Fade.
Has been returned to his Statue form. Just wake him up again to finish this part of the nightmare.
Is aware he is in a dream but likes the nature of it. Just remind him that he gave his word to follow the warden. The pair of you will need to fight two Qunari Soldiers with him. He will join you after that.
She is convinced that all the mages around her died because of her. You need to convince her that she is in the fade. Once you do, the two of you will be attacked by the three “Dead Apprentices”.
Will be on a rank being “trained”. The Antivan Crows will be working hard on him. Just remind him that he is already a Crow. With that, the two fake crows will attack you. Defeat to free Zevran.
The Inner Sanctum
With your whole party now available, head here. As you and a demon start talking the rest of the party will appear. From there you will begin the fight after a few lines of dialogue.
This battle spans a fair bit as the Sloth Demon goes through Multiple forms.
Form 1: Ogre
Change into the Golem and go toe to toe with the Orge. This will do a good job of keeping the fire off of the party.
Form 2: Rage Demon
Use the Burning Man form to keep your damage to a minimum. Just watch your party member's health and keep them up.
Form 3: Abomination
Just like the others you have faced honestly. Just use whichever form you would like and beat him up.
Form 4: Shade
Nothing special here either.
Form 5: Arcane Horror
A good time for the Spirit form to keep the magical damage low. Otherwise, nothing too impressive.
After all this, you will get the Litany of Adralla. From there it is time to emerge from the Fade, back to reality.
Dragon Age Circle Of Magi Statues

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    • Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 17 – The Fade: Lost In Dreams
    • By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
    • Published 02/2/2012
    • Unrated
    Dragon Age Circle Of Magi Statues
    Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 17 – The Fade: Lost In Dreams
    Weisshaupt Fortress
    This is a difficult area of the game, so expect this part to take some time. Head on forward, toward the ramp in front of you. You will encounter Duncan, flanked by two other Wardens. Approach and talk with your friend. He talks of the Grey Wardens becoming an order of Scholars. You will provoke this apparition to attack you eventually. Defeat him and the other two “Wardens”. Do so and the Fade Pedestal will appear behind where Duncan was standing. Interact with it to begin your journey through the Fade to escape and release your companions.
    The Raw Fade
    This is the first, and for now only, destination you can access. Head there and you will find Niall, one of the Mages who went rogue. To your right is an inactive Fade Pedestal. Go forward and you will talk with Niall who will share his experiences and knowledge with you. Once you have an idea of how to take on the islands and get through the Fade, move on. Head past the Fade Pedestal, along the right-hand side of the wall, and into the Fade Portal.
    On the other side you are attacked by a Rage Demon. After the Rage Demon dies you will encounter a Mouse who passes on some knowledge before dying. You can now transform into a mouse within the Fade. This also has the benefit of imbuing you with the Stealth ability while in mouse form. Now transform into a mouse and head down the slope to the left of where you fought the Demon. You will find a mouse hole to go through.
    Shapeshifting In The Fade
    This is a unique area is it has a stronger Mage focus than most other parts of the game. It is also the only time that every class will be able to Shapeshift. To change forms, bring up the radial menu. Go into Advanced (where you can have your party members hold) and choose the form you want from there.
    On the other side of the mouse hole you will see a Lesser Rage Demon. It is unaware of your presence unless you drop it immediately. Kill it then head for the Fade Portal that is in the northwest part of the island. Be sure to also examine the Disturbing Statue, to the right of the portal, for the codex entry, “Beyond the Veil: Spirits and Demons”. Head through the Fade Portal now to the next island.
    Head forward, past the transulcent door, to encounter a Lesser Shade. Kill it then continue along the path in front of you. Continue forward and you will encounter another Rage Demon. Kill it then continue along the path. There is another Lesser Rage Demon ahead of you. Kill it to reach the Fade Portal it was guarding.
    The next is leading you back to the starting island with Niall. You can now one step closer to facing Yevena, the demon in the center of these island. You also have activated the Fade Pedestal in this area. Use the Fade Pedestal as you need another ability to reach Yevena.
    The Darkspawn Invasion
    Head for the Darkspawn Invasion next. This area is where you will gain the ability to access Spirit Doors and give you access to some powerful spells. When you arrive head to the northeastern corner of the room and go through the Mouse hole. Head through the next mouse hole as well. On the far side of the second one you will find an Essence of Cunning. This grants you an additional +1 Cunning permanently. Return through the mouse house and go to the north at the intersection, then head through the mouse hole there.
    Head to the left to encounter two Flaming Darkspawn. Defeat them then head through the northern door. There you will encounter three more Darkspawn, two Hurlocks and one Hurlock Emissary. Defeat them then explore the western part of the room to find a mouse hole to go through. On the other side of the mouse hole you will find another battling waiting for you to the west. Head over there and defeat the three Genlocks. Now continue to the north through the second mouse hole. Here you will encounter four Darkspawn Spirits. Approach the Templar Spirit that is in the same room to begin the battle. They will all attack him so use that to your advantage if you are a Mage or Rogue. When the battle is over, he will imbue you with the second of the shapeshifting abilities, The Spirit Form. When he vanishes, he reveals a Fade Pedestal. Before you access it, shift into your new form and use the Essence of Willpower that is in the northeastern corner of this room for a permanent +1 to Willpower. Use the Fade Pedestal now to start the next part of this journey.
    Weisshaupt Fortress
    Before moving to the center island of the Raw Fade, head to Weisshaupt Fortress. There, at the base of the ramp, you will find another Essence. Transform into the Spirit to access this Essence of Willpower. Now go to the Fade Pedestal here and head to the Raw Fade again.
    The Raw Fade
    Before you shift into the Spirit form and go through the first door, take a little time to explore this island. The other spirit door, found on the northern island. On the other side you will be attacked by a pair of wisp wraiths. Once gone, you can easily reach the Essence of Dexterity that is also on this island. Collect it then finish the circle back to the starting island.
    After that, return to the starting island and head through the spirit door there. You will find Yevena and her support of two Shades. Kill them and her. Take advantage of your spirit form's spells to make this battle easier. After it is over, be sure to use the Essence of Willpower that is just off the main path to the west on this island. If you are not playing a Mage, explore this island some more to find the Twisted Statue. Investigate it for the codex entry “The Black City”. Now head back through the Spirit Door to the starting island. Use the Fade Pedestal to leave this island behind.
    The Burning Tower
    Look for the mouse hole to the left of where you start. This leads to an Essence of Cunning. Now head back into the main room and go through the top right door. Just follow the hallway, exploring the rooms. The first room has a pair of Burning Templars inside it. Next room is empty though there is a mouse hole passage to the first room. The third room has a door leading to the second and fourth (though it is a massive door which requires a different form to open) but also another pair of Burning Templars. Defeat them then head up the stairs in the northern part of the room.
    Head forward then to the right. The path to the next part is fairly straight forward as much of the area is blocked off by fire. The first fight of this area is a pair of burning hounds. Head north from there to fight a Burning Templar and two Burning Hounds. Head east where you encounter that fight and through the mouse hole there. This mouse hole is guarded by a pair of Burning Hounds. On the other side you fill a Burning Demon and a Dreaming Templar. Defeat them both to gain the Burning Man form.
    Before you return to the Fade and head for your next destination there are at least two Essences you can access in this area. Head through the door leading south and go to the west. Head through the spirit door there to find an Essence of Constitution and Cunning. Now head for the Fade Pedestal and head for your next destination.
    The Mages Asunder
    Head to the mouse hole to your left. Through there you will find a Font of Strength. Collect it then return to the main room. Head through the door to the south now, into the hallway. Head through the the first door on the left. On the other side you will be attacked by a pair of Mages. Kill them then return to the hallway. The next room has another pair of Mages but also a pile of spirit books. Shift into Spirit form to claim the Essence of Magic they represent. Be sure to also look at the bookcase against the southern wall for the codex entry “History Of The Circle”. Head into the next room, with the open door, to face down four Mages. If approached through stealth you can just watch them tear into each other and you can pick off any survivors.
    Head to the end of the corridor and go through the door. On the other side you will be attacked by a pair of servants. Just kill them then explore the room to find the rest of the servants out for your blood. Head through the door on the western side of the room. Transform into the Burning Man and go through it as there is a fire barrier on the other side.
    In this room you will need to change quickly to either your base form or the Spirit form as you need to fight a trio of Lesser Rage Demons. Change back into the Burning Man to go through the next door.
    In here you need to fight another set of four Mages. Unfortunately these ones are working together! Focus on just one at a time to take them down quickly. Just work your way forward like that and they will be dead before long. Shift into the Burning Man form before you progress.
    Head into the next room and you will be facing two Mage Instructors and four Mage Apprentices. Kill them all quickly using the area of effect spells granted to you by the Burning Man form. This will also make you largely immune to the attacks they use against you. After that explore the room to find the codex entries for “The Cardinal Rules Of Magic” in a Book on the floor, and “The Tranquil” on the bookcase to the left of the stairs up. Head on up the stairs after that.
    At the top of the stairs you will find two Stone Golems attacking a Cursed Dreamer. There are also a number of Chantry Priest that need to be killed as well. After the battle you will gain the Golem Form. This grants you the ability to pass through the Massive Doors that were previously inaccessible. Now head on up the other set of stairs in here.
    On the other side of these you will face down another pair of Golems and a Mage. Kill them then use your Golem form to open the door leading south. On the other side you will face down a Priest and Mage. Kill them then head to the east then north. As you go this way you will encounter another Stone Golem. Just beat him and continue on your way. Head through the door there and you will facing a Priest and two Mages. Defeat them look at the pile of books in the back right part of the room for the codex entry on the “School of Creation”. Now head for the door that is south of where you are. Head into it after you defeat its Golem.
    Inside this room you need to face down three Golems. Defeat them to then able to claim the treasures of this room. There is the Codex Entry for “School of Entropy” and a Font of Strength in the back of the room.
    Now head to the south. Use the Golem to break through the massive door. Inside you will encounter two Arcane Horrors. Defeat them then change into the Spirit and investigate the door in this room. On the other side of it is a Golem and an Essence of Dexterity. Head back through the door and into the next room to the south.
    Here you will find Slavren, the boss of the area. Use the Spirit Form's crushing prison for a quick and easy battle. Mix in a few spells from the Burning Man form and Slavren will go down very quickly. Use the Fade Pedestal and it is time to complete another area.
    The Darkspawn Invasion
    Return to the Darkspawn Invasion and seek out the Massive Doors. The main one to visit is all the way to the south, nearby the original entrance to the area. Shift into your Burning Man form to easily travel there, killing whatever Darkspawn are left in the area. Once there, change to the Golem form and smash through the Massive Door. On the other side waits a Font of Strength. Now head back to the north.
    Go through the door to the north, back where you re-entered this realm. On the other side you have a mass of Darkspawn attacking you. A number of Hurlocks and Genlocks begin their assault immediately. Use the Golem form to take them down quickly. You will find another Massive Door on the opposite end of the room as well. Smash it down.
    On the other side awaits Uthkiel The Crusher. Stay in your Golem form to have a level fist fight with him. If you need to heal, then return to your base form and run into the previous room and use some Poultices or spells to restore it quickly. Now use the Fade Pedestal to head for your next destination.
    The Burning Tower
    Once here, first explore with all the forms so you can access anything behind Massive Doors. So first head down to the first floor and go to the right of the stairs. There is a Massive Door there waiting to be opened. On the other side you will find an Essence of Magic waiting for you. Collect it then return to your entry point. Break down that Massive Door. Open it then change to Burning Man form as there is a wall of flames on the other side. Head through to the next room. There you will a number of Burning Templars, Burning Hounds and Shambling Corpses. Stay in Burning Man form to minimize the damage you take. Do not use any of the spells in this form though as your foes are largely immune to them. Head through to the next room.
    In this room you will find Rhagos. If you are still in Burning Man form, just attack him and wait for the Warden to finish him off. Rage Demons only use fire attacks and Burning Man is immune to them. Just wait it out and it will go down easily. Defeat him and it is time to move onto the next part of the Fade (after you collect the Font of Strength to the right).
    The Templar's Nightmare
    This is easily the most confusing part of “Lost in Dreams”. Head south, into the hallway and into the second room on the left. You will find three Sloth Abominations waiting for you in this room. Beat them then head through the mouse hole there to reach an Essence of Dexterity guarded by a Blight Wolf. Return to the hallway after you claim the essence and head south to the third room in this hallway. Beat the Arcane Horror that awaits you in there and take the southern mouse hole, to the left of the door, to progress forward.
    On the other side of the mouse hole you have an Orge waiting for you. You can try to sneak out using the Mouse form or become the Golem and beat it down. It may get a reinforcement in the form of a Hunger Abomination from the nearby hallway. Just kill them both then head into the hallway. Quickly stop into the next room above you to kill the Abomination that is in there. You need to use Burning Man to reach him. Now change into the mouse and go through the mouse hole in this room. It will take you into the next room. There you will face a pair of Rage Abominations. Defeat them then go through the Spirit door in this room.
    When you emerge from the Spirit Door you will be attacked by two Rage Abominations. Head for the door in front of you. In the next room you have two Hunger Abominations come at you. As for getting into the next room, you have a choice. You can creep into it using the Mouse form or smash through the massive door as a Golem.
    Here you only need to face down an Arcane Horror and a Shambling Corpse. Now just head through the Fade Portal. This section is almost done.
    In this hallway you just need to reach the room at the far end. In the room you arrive in, you will find a great need to becoming the Burning Man. Through the first door you will find two Desire Abominations. In the third room you will encounter an Arcane Horror and two Shambling Corpses. In the last room you will find Vereveel. Chase after her in Mouse form.
    On the other side of the hole, she will likely not spot you. Just lay into her as a Spirit since she loves to cast spells. Just use Crushing Prison mixed with Winter's Grasp and she will go down fast enough.
    The Nightmares
    Once you have cleared the way to the Sloth Demon, it is time to collect your party to make the coming battle easier. Everyone in the party will have a different situation. Some cases it is very easy to retrieve them while others may involve some fighting.
    He believes himself to be home with his sister and her family. Here you have the option of persuading Alistair that this is an illusion or just attacking the family to reveal their true form. If you can convince Alistair, he will help in the fight. The children become skeletons and if Alistair joined you, two more will spawn behind you.
    In true dog fashion is simply asleep. Wake him up to move on.
    She believes herself to be in a Chantry, praying, looking for peace. She will not recognize your character so you need to remind her of her dream. If you remind her of the dream, she will aid in the fight. Otherwise the Warden will need to face down the Greater Shade Demon alone.
    She will be talking with her mother, Flemeth. She does not believe what the Demon said for a moment, stating that it was doing a terrible job of impersonating her. She just asks you to kill it.
    Will dream he is in a tarvern being constantly mocked by other dwarves. Shake him out of it and convince him to pummel the other patrons. The patrons are revealed to be a number of corpses. Then just convince him that he is in the Fade.
    Has been returned to his Statue form. Just wake him up again to finish this part of the nightmare.
    Is aware he is in a dream but likes the nature of it. Just remind him that he gave his word to follow the warden. The pair of you will need to fight two Qunari Soldiers with him. He will join you after that.
    She is convinced that all the mages around her died because of her. You need to convince her that she is in the fade. Once you do, the two of you will be attacked by the three “Dead Apprentices”.
    Will be on a rank being “trained”. The Antivan Crows will be working hard on him. Just remind him that he is already a Crow. With that, the two fake crows will attack you. Defeat to free Zevran.
    The Inner Sanctum
    With your whole party now available, head here. As you and a demon start talking the rest of the party will appear. From there you will begin the fight after a few lines of dialogue.
    This battle spans a fair bit as the Sloth Demon goes through Multiple forms.
    Form 1: Ogre
    Change into the Golem and go toe to toe with the Orge. This will do a good job of keeping the fire off of the party.
    Form 2: Rage Demon
    Use the Burning Man form to keep your damage to a minimum. Just watch your party member's health and keep them up.
    Form 3: Abomination
    Just like the others you have faced honestly. Just use whichever form you would like and beat him up.
    Form 4: Shade
    Nothing special here either.
    Form 5: Arcane Horror
    A good time for the Spirit form to keep the magical damage low. Otherwise, nothing too impressive.
    After all this, you will get the Litany of Adralla. From there it is time to emerge from the Fade, back to reality.

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    Article Series

    This article is part 17 of a 56 part series. Other articles in this series are shown below:
    1. Circle Of Magi Summoning


      Dragon Age Origins Circle Of Magi Statues


      Dragon Age Origins Circle Of Magi Statues

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